UK Government, The Law and Your Role Test 8

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Before which birthday a youngster receives his National Insurance number?

Which department is responsible for collection of taxes?

Before a General Election is held, is it possible for appointment of a new Prime Minister?

What are the people known as, who are elected to the Scottish Parliament?

Anyone operating premises or organising events that include the sale or supply of alcohol must have a licence.

Who is responsible for appointing the cabinet?

Same National Insurance number can be allotted to another person of the same family.

Is it mandatory for the voters to show photographic identification?

In what kind of activities are the local volunteers’ involvement is required?

Name the country from the given list, which is not a member of the European Union?

Who are the deciding authority for issues pertaining to legal disputes over contracts, property rights and employment rights?

Skilled Lawyers become Solicitors but however each of them needs to have specialisation in particular area of law.

Normally, most of the local authorities hold their elections in the month of:

Which of the following is not a responsibility of the police?

Since UK has a diverse society, it does not share any common values or responsibilities.

Which of the following countries did not ever come with any help to set up the EEC?

In UK, MP’s represent:

There never was a demand for any change by the Chartists in any of the following issues?

By moving a campaign a newspapers owner can try to influence government policy.

What is a constituency?

Al-Qaeda is the only terror organisation posing threat to the UK.

After reigning for how many years did the Queen celebrate her Diamond Jubilee in 2012?

Which government department is the issuing authority of National Insurance numbers?

Since 2004 The Scottish Parliament had been holding a temporary accommodation, as its new building was under construction.

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