Your role in the community, How you can support your community, Looking after the environment
Your role in the community:
Becoming a British citizen or settling in the UK brings responsibilities but also opportunities. Everyone has the opportunity to participate in their community. This section looks at some of the responsibilities of being a citizen and gives information about how you can help to make your community a better place to live and work.
Values and responsibilities:
Although Britain is one of the world’s most diverse societies, there is a set of shared values and responsibilities that everyone can agree with. These values and responsibilities that everyone can agree with. These values and responsibilities include:
• To obey and respect the law
• To be aware of the rights of others and respect those rights
• To treat others with fairness
• To behave responsibly
• To help and protect your family
• To respect and preserve the environment
• To treat everyone equally, regardless of sex, race, religion, age, disability, class or sexual orientation
• To work to provide for yourself and your family
• To help others
• To vote in local and national government elections.
Taking on these values and responsibilities will make it easier for you to become a full and active citizen.
Being a good neighbour:
When you move into a new house or apartment, introduce yourself to the people who live near you. Getting to know your neighbours can help you to become part of the community and make friends. Your neighbours are also a good source of help – for example, they may be willing to feed your pets if you are away, or offer advice on local shops and services.
You can help prevent any problems and conflicts with your neighbours by respecting their privacy and limiting how much noise you make. Also try to keep your garden tidy, and only put your refuse bags and bins on the street or in communal areas if they are due to be collected.
Getting involved in local activities:
Volunteering and helping your community are an important part of being a good citizen. They enable you to integrate and get to know other people. It helps to make your community a better place if residents support each other. It also helps you to fulfil your duties as a citizen, such as behaving responsibly and helping others.
How you can support your community:
There are a number of positive ways in which you can support your community and be a good citizen.
Jury service:
As well as getting the right to vote, people on the electoral register are randomly selected to serve on a jury. Anyone who is on the electoral register and is aged 18 to 70 can be asked to do this.
Helping in schools:
If you have children, there are many ways in which you can help at their schools. Parents can often help in classrooms, by supporting activities or listening to children read.
Many schools organise events to raise money for extra equipment or out-ofschool activities. Activities might include book sales, toy sales or bringing food to sell. You might have good ideas of your own for raising money.
Sometimes events are organised by parent-teacher associations (PTAs). Volunteering to help with their events or joining the association is a way of doing something good for the school and also making new friends in your local community. You can find out about these opportunities from notices in the school or notes your children bring home.
School governors and school boards:
School governors, or members of the school board in Scotland, are people from the local community who wish to make a positive contribution to their children’s education. They must be aged 18 or over at the date of their election or appointment. There is no upper age limit.
Governors and school boards have an important part to play in raising school standards. They have three key roles:
• Setting the strategic direction of the school
• Ensuring accountability
• Monitoring and evaluating school performance.
You can contact your local school to ask if they need a new governor or school board member. In England, you can also apply online at the School Governors’ One-Stop Shop at
In England, parents and other community groups can apply to open a free school in their local area. More information about this can be found on the Department for Education website at
Supporting political parties:
Political parties welcome new members. Joining one is a way to demonstrate your support for certain views and to get involved in the democratic process.
Political parties are particularly busy at election times. Members work hard to persuade people to vote for their candidates – for instance, by handing out leaflets in the street or by knocking on people’s doors and asking for their support. This is called ‘canvassing’. You don’t have to tell a canvasser how you intend to vote if you don’t want to.
British citizens can stand for office as a local councillor, a member of Parliament (or the devolved equivalents) or a member of the European Parliament. This is an opportunity to become even more involved in the political life of the UK. You may also be able to stand for office if you are an Irish citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen or (except for standing to be an MP) a citizen of another EU country.
You can find out more about joining a political party from the individual party websites.
Helping with local services:
There are opportunities to volunteer with a wide range of local service providers, including local hospitals and youth projects. Services often want to involve local people in decisions about the way in which they work. Universities, housing associations, museums and arts councils may advertise for people to serve as volunteers in their governing bodies.
You can volunteer with the police, and become a special constable or a lay (non-police) representative. You can also apply to become a magistrate. You will often find advertisements for vacancies in your local newspaper or on local radio. You can also find out more about these sorts of roles at
Blood and organ donation:
Donated blood is used by hospitals to help people with a wide range of injuries and illnesses. Giving blood only takes about an hour to do. You can register to give blood at:
• England and North Wales:
• Rest of Wales:
• Scotland:
• Northern Ireland:
Many people in the UK are waiting for organ transplants. If you register to be an organ donor, it can make it easier for your family to decide whether to donate your organs when you die. You can register to be an organ donor at Living people can also donate a kidney.
Other ways to volunteer:
Volunteering is working for good causes without payment. There are many benefits to volunteering, such as meeting new people and helping make your community a better place. Some volunteer activities will give you a chance to practise your English or develop work skills that will help you find or improve your curriculum vitae (CV). Many people volunteer simply because they want to help other people.
Activities you can do as a volunteer include:
• working with animals – for example, caring for animals at a local rescue shelter
• youth work – for example, volunteering at a youth group
• helping improve the environment – for example, participating in a litter pick-up in the local area
• working with the homeless in, for example, a homelessness shelter
• mentoring – for example, supporting someone who has just come out of prison
• work in health and hospitals – for example, working on an information desk in a hospital
• helping older people at, for example, a residential care home.
There are thousands of active charities and voluntary organizations in the UK. They work to improve the lives of people, animals and the environment in many different ways. They range from the British Red Cross, to small local charities working in particular areas. They include charities working with older people (such as Age UK), with children (for example, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)), and with the homeless (for example, Crisis and Shelter). There are also medical research charities (for example, Cancer Research UK), environmental charities (including the National Trust and Friends of the Earth) and charities working with animals (such as the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA)).
Volunteers are needed to help with their activities and to raise money. The charities often advertise in local newspapers, and most have websites that include information about their opportunities. You can also get information about volunteering for different organisations from
There are many opportunities for younger people to volunteer and receive accreditation which will help them to develop their skills. These include the National Citizen Service programme, which gives 16- and 17-year-olds the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities, develop their skills and take part in a community project. You can find out more about these opportunities as follows:
• National Citizen Service: at
• England: at
• Wales: at
• Scotland: at
• Northern Ireland: at
Looking after the environment:
It is important to recycle as much of your waste as you can. Using recycled materials to make new products uses less energy and means that we do not need to extract more raw materials from the earth. It also means that less rubbish is created, so the amount being put into landfill is reduced.
You can learn more about recycling and it benefits at At this website you can also find out what you can recycle at home and in the local area you live in England. This information is available for Wales at, for Scotland at and for Northern Ireland from your local authority.
A good way to support your local community is to shop for products locally where you can. This will help businesses and farmers in your area in Britain. It will also reduce your carbon footprint, because the products you buy will not have had to travel as far.
Walking and using public transport to get around when you can is also a good way to protect the environment. It means that you create less pollution that when you use a car.
Check that you understand:
• The different ways you can help at your child’s school
• The role of school governors and members of school boards, and how you can become one
• The role of members of political parties
• The different local services people can volunteer to support
• How to donate blood and organs
• The benefit of volunteering for you, other people and the community
• The types of activities that volunteers can do
• How you can look after the environment