New Life in the UK 3rd Edition Test 8

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Why is Henry VIII an important English monarch?

Which TWO of the following are examples of criminal law?

Which of the following statements is correct?

Charles Dickens is famous for writing musicals. TRUE or FALSE?

Before 1215 there were no laws to limit the power of the king of England. TRUE or FALSE?

Which of the following statements is correct?

Which of the following statements is correct?

Which TWO festivals or traditions are held in November each year?

Which of the following statements is correct?

What is the highest-value note issued as British currency?

Which of the following statements is correct?

In 1921 a treaty gave independence to the south of Ireland. TRUE or FALSE?

At which festival are mince pies traditionally eaten?

What task is associated with the National Trust?

What is a jury made up of?

What is the capital city of Wales?

You can support your local community by becoming a school governor or school board member. TRUE or FALSE?

Which of the following statements is correct?

Which TWO of the following are linked to football?

William Blake, Lord Byron and Robert Browning were all famous golfers. TRUE or FALSE?

For which TWO reasons is Henry VIII remembered?

How many people serve on a jury in Scotland?

What was Isambard Kingdom Brunei famous for designing and building?

Who appoints life peers in the House of Lords?

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