Steps to fill-up residential requirements for acquiring British Citizenship with minimum rejection possibilities
Section 2.1
Entry to UK
In the first step, the applicants need to fill-up the entry date when he or she decided to leave in UK permanently. You will also have to enter the name of seaport or airport through which you entered into boundaries of UK.
Chances of ineligibility
Your application to the UK citizenship may be rejected if
- In case, your entry date to UK is less than 5 years as compared to the date of authorities receiving application, or
- Your entry date to UK is less than 3 years if you are a civil partner or married to an UK citizen.
The details should be matched with requirements and eligibility of residence as mentioned in Booklet AN on Pages 4-5 so that chances of rejection can be minimized.
Section 2.2
Detail your absence in residential period
The application form will also ask you to enter the number of days you have been away from UK in the last 5 years of legal residence or 3 years (as the case may be if you are married to or a civil partner to native citizen of UK). It should be noted here that columns should be filled with accurate number of absent days, where the days of departure from and arrival to UK can be excluded. Of course, you can make use of Page 15 in case if you are not finding enough space to fill all details of absence. You should then add the total number of days and enter it to the specified box.
Note: -You should further ensure that you were physical present before the application is received by legal authorities or Home Office for 5 or 3 years as the case may be in order to reduce chances of rejection given you were involved in UK armed forces for the given time period.
The maximum number of days you can be absent from UK is 90 every year which accumulates to 450 days for 5 years and 270 days for 3 years, in case you are civil partner or married to British citizen.
Booklet AN also provides information about the conditions where discretion power can be exercised by authorities in case of excess days absence. Delay in your application is forecasted if section 2.2 is filled incorrectly or is incomplete.
Section 2.3
You will also have to indicate your favorite country choice if you are a naturalized UK citizen.
Section 2.4-2.6
The applicant is also required to fill-up these sections in the application form if you belong to EEA member state or family member of any EEA national and do not have permission for indefinite leave to UK. Section 6 of Booklet AN will provide you detailed guidance to complete these sections.
Summary: While filling-up the application form for UK citizenship, you will have to make sure that residence credentials entered are correct and authentic to the best of your knowledge. Of course, this will require the applicants to show physical presence in UK and not being absent for more than 90 days every year which may render you ineligible for acquiring the British Citizenship.