Main Eligibility Criteria for British Passport

It is the good opportunity for the people that they can apply for British passport if they are having British nationality. There are some important points where person are eligible for passport after holding British nationality which will include;-

  • Person is having good history where he is not suspected of crime nor any arrest warrant been issued in lieu of.
  • Person is not been stopped by UK government to travel to some another country
  • Person is not having any charge against bail or having bad history regarding bail conditions

Under these main conditions person can easily apply for passport. Now the next question that can easily apply for passport?

  • Person who is having British citizenship: Person who is having British citizenship who has born in the UK along with having registered in citizens of the UK.
  • Person who has born in UK before 1st Jan 1983: If person has born in UK before 1st Jan 1983 and has been residing in UK till date are easily eligible for British passport.
  • Person who is entitled as overseas territories citizen: Person is easily eligible for passport if she or he is registered as the British citizenship and has become a British overseas territories citizen after May 2002.
  • Person is stateless: Person is easily eligible for British passport if she or he is born in UK. Anyone of the parents is having British citizenship.
  • If applicant is Resident of Hong Kong: Person will automatically get eligible for British passport if they are the resident of Hong Kong along with possessing good character and good credit history which will not become hindrance for getting the passport. Apart from that if person possesses British national after 3 Feb 1997.
  • If applicant has born to British father: Applicant will automatically get eligible for British passport if he/ she have born to British father. In this case if the mother is not present person can easily get eligible for British citizenship on the basis of their father.

Thus these are some of the basic points where person can easily eligible for British passport. If the person is not having good credit history along with not fulfilling some of the basic conditions for British passport then in that case they are not eligible for British passport. In order to get the details about the eligibility person is having the main option to visit the websites and get the details about the same.

UK Visas Information

Eligibility for British Passport

General Visitor Visa